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Lomond Property Drain

Clogged drains are a familiar woe for homeowners – especially those looking to sell their home, causing inconvenience and potential damage if left unattended. The good news is that many drain blockages can be tackled with a bit of know-how and some simple tools. In this comprehensive guide, Lomond explore various methods on how to unclog a drain, offering practical solutions to keep the water flowing smoothly.

Signs of a Clogged Drain

Before diving into solutions, it’s essential to recognise the signs of a clogged drain. Look out for:

  1. Slow Drainage:
    • Water taking longer than usual to drain from sinks, showers, or bathtub.
  2. Unpleasant Odours:
    • Foul smells emanating from drains, indicating the presence of trapped debris.
  3. Gurgling Sounds:
    • Odd gurgling noises when water is draining, suggesting an obstruction in the pipes.

DIY Methods to Unclog a Drain:

  1. Boiling Water:
    • For minor clogs, start with pouring boiling water down the drain. This can help dissolve grease and soap scum.
  2. Baking Soda and Vinegar:
    • Pour a cup of baking soda followed by a cup of vinegar. Cover the drain and let the mixture sit for 15 minutes before flushing with hot water.
  3. Plunger Power:
    • Use a plunger to create a seal and apply rhythmic pressure. This method works well for sinks and tubs.
  4. Wire Hanger or Drain Snake:
    • Straighten a wire hanger or use a drain snake to break up and pull out blockages. Be gentle to avoid damaging the pipes.

Prevention Tips:

  1. Mesh Drain Screens:
    • Install mesh screens in sinks and tubs to catch hair, soap, and other debris before they reach the drain.
  2. Regular Cleaning:
    • Implement a monthly cleaning routine using a mixture of baking soda and vinegar to prevent build-up.
  3. Dispose Wisely:
    • Avoid pouring grease, coffee grounds, or large food particles down the sink.

When to Call a Professional:

While DIY methods are effective for minor clogs, there are instances where professional help is necessary:

  1. Persistent Clogs:
    • If the clog persists despite your efforts, it may require professional attention.
  2. Foul Odours:
    • Persistent unpleasant smells may indicate a more significant issue in the plumbing system.
  3. Multiple Clogged Drains:
    • If multiple drains are affected simultaneously, it could be a sign of a more extensive blockage in the main sewer line.


Maintaining free-flowing drains is a key aspect of home maintenance. With the right tools and techniques, you can tackle minor clogs on your own and prevent future issues. However, it’s crucial to recognise when a clog requires professional intervention. By staying proactive and incorporating preventive measures, you can keep your drains clear and your plumbing system in top condition.

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